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Email: [email protected]
Phone: 815-562-4290

  • Dial #1 – Technical Support
  • Dial #2 – Billing Questions
  • Dial #3 – Residential Sales
  • Dial #4 – Business Sales
  • Dial #5 – Enterprise Sales
  • Dial #6 – Accounts Payables

Network Management Practices

  • Blocking.  DNA does not block any lawful content except for what is spelled out elsewhere in our agreements and policies.
  • Throttling.  DNA does not throttle any application or service differently than any other application or service.
  • Affiliated Prioritization.  DNA does not prioritize any application or service above or below any other application or service.
  • Paid Prioritization.  DNA does not prioritize any application or service above or below any other application or service.
  • Congestion Management.  DNA does not regularly experience congestion, so we have not developed any policies or procedures regarding congestion.
  • Application-Specific Behavior.  DNA does not modify any application or service.
  • Device Attachment Rules.  By default, DNA requires their router to be used at the customer’s premises. There are no restrictions for devices behind our router. Business customers may request to have our equipment bridge to theirs.
  • Security.  DNA restricts traffic to and from the following ports:
      0TCPDownstreamPort 0 is a reserved port and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      21TCPDownstreamPort 21 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      22TCPDownstreamPort 22 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      23TCPDownstreamPort 23 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      25TCPDownstream and UpstreamPort 25 is used to send email from server to server. Please use port 587 to submit email to a server.
      67UDPDownstreamPort 67 is used to assign IP addresses. DNA manages that and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      80TCPDownstreamPort 80 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      135 – 139TCP and UDPDownstream and UpstreamPorts 135 – 139 are used for file system access and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      161UDPDownstream and UpstreamPort 161 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      443TCPDownstreamPort 443 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      445TCPDownstream and UpstreamPort 445 is used for file system access and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      520UDPDownstream and UpstreamPort 520 is used by an old routing protocol and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      547UDPDownstreamPort 547 is used to assign IP addresses. DNA manages that and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      1080TCPDownstreamPort 1080 is used by the SOCKS protocol, and in modern usage, it is usually used to circumvent security software.
      1900UDPDownstream and UpstreamPort 1900 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      8291TCPDownstreamPort 8291 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.
      8728 – 8729TCPDownstreamPorts 8728 and 8729 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet.

      Performance Characteristics

      • Service Description.  All service-specific information is listed on that particular service’s page.
      • Impact of Non-Broadband Internet Access Service Data Services.  Voice is provided over the same last-mile connections. Voice uses very little bandwidth and, as such, is inconsequential to the network.

      Commercial Terms

      • Price.  All service-specific information is listed on that particular service’s page.
      • Privacy Policies.  The DNA privacy policy is located here: Privacy Policy
      • Redress Options.  Any issues can be addressed to our support center via [email protected].