Port | Transport | Direction | Reason |
0 | TCP | Downstream | Port 0 is a reserved port and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
21 | TCP | Downstream | Port 21 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
22 | TCP | Downstream | Port 22 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
23 | TCP | Downstream | Port 23 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
25 | TCP | Downstream and Upstream | Port 25 is used to send email from server to server. Please use port 587 to submit email to a server. |
67 | UDP | Downstream | Port 67 is used to assign IP addresses. DNA manages that and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
80 | TCP | Downstream | Port 80 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
135 – 139 | TCP and UDP | Downstream and Upstream | Ports 135 – 139 are used for file system access and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
161 | UDP | Downstream and Upstream | Port 161 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
443 | TCP | Downstream | Port 443 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
445 | TCP | Downstream and Upstream | Port 445 is used for file system access and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
520 | UDP | Downstream and Upstream | Port 520 is used by an old routing protocol and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
547 | UDP | Downstream | Port 547 is used to assign IP addresses. DNA manages that and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
1080 | TCP | Downstream | Port 1080 is used by the SOCKS protocol, and in modern usage, it is usually used to circumvent security software. |
1900 | UDP | Downstream and Upstream | Port 1900 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
8291 | TCP | Downstream | Port 8291 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |
8728 – 8729 | TCP | Downstream | Ports 8728 and 8729 would be used to access your router’s management systems and shouldn’t be accessible to the greater Internet. |